Last Updated on April 18, 2020
Motorcycle gloves are a complete necessity while you’re on your bike. You simply never know if or when you’ll get into an accident and if you’re sliding on the pavement without gloves on… you’re gonna be in trouble.
Imagine bracing yourself with the palms of your hands without the right kind of gloves protecting you…
You’d slide on them just to have your skin rubbed raw…
Let’s dive into the detailed reasons why motorcycle riding gloves are necessary for every time you’re riding your bike. It’s good to know the reality of how well gloves actually protect your hands.
No Matter What, A Crash Is Going To Hurt
Yes, it’s going to hurt no matter how much gear you have on. If you fly off the bike, it’s really going to hurt.
But every piece of motorcycle gear has been proven to help tremendously in the event of an accident, why not increase your chances of not having raw palms for weeks or even months?
It only takes a few seconds to put a pair of gloves on and the heat is not that bad. Besides, you can have more than one pair of glove. Have a pair that has plenty of ventilation for the hotter days and have a pair that is on the thicker side for the colder days.

It’s Better To Be Safe Than Sorry
Again, it only takes a few moments to get your gloves on. They’re just as important as any other piece of gear you have on and they help more than you’d think.
Even a small accident such as sliding your bike on some gravel… that can cause you to go down and we will almost always naturally brace ourselves with our hands which is why riding gloves are so important.
If we are going to brace our impact and slide with our hands then we have to have the true protections involved to stop the injuries from becoming something that will take a long time to recover from.
Your hands will thank you later. Even if you never get into an accident that involves possible wounds to your hands… is it not a better feeling knowing that you’re in “good hands?” 😉
Motorcycle Glove Materials That Work Well
Not just any glove on the market will do.
Please do not buy the super cheap “motorcycle gloves” you find on Amazon. I’m talking about the $20 and under sector…
Some of those gloves have fake reviews, they haven’t been through rigorous testing and they aren’t made out of the proper materials to the point where it would be as if you weren’t wearing any gloves at all.

Actual, protective motorcycle riding gloves will be made out of a hybrid textile material, a tough leather material, they’ll include thick armor padding for the knuckles and they will usually have a high quality leather palm. Mesh material gloves can also work well if they have good padding and leather palms.
The low quality gloves you’ll find on Amazon will boast having these things but it’s simply not true…
You can’t sell a glove with the real, raw materials for that price point. They’ve cheapened out on the glove manufacturing process so that they can make more money on the sale.
Where To Find Great Riding Gloves
That isn’t to say that you can’t find good riding gloves over on Amazon though! There are gloves on their marketplace that fit the bill when it comes to high quality protection.
A couple of pairs I’d personally recommend checking out would be a pair from ILM and a pair from Joe Rocket.
– ILM Air Flow Motorcycle Gloves
– Joe Rocket Velocity 2.0 Motorcycle Gloves
Otherwise I’d also say to check out any of the gloves offered over on RevZilla. They have everything you need there and they’re specifically for buying motorcycle gear but you can also find some other parts and accessories there as well.
If you are in the market for a cheaper pair of gloves then you should check out our cheap motorcycle gloves guide – we listed some of the best gloves out there that don’t break the bank yet still keep quality materials and protection in mind.
Either way, make sure that the gloves have the right kind of materials and ensure that you’re getting them from a company that isn’t straight up lying about how their gloves are made.
Be Safe Out There
It doesn’t make sense to not wear some gloves while you’re riding your motorcycle.
When it only takes a few moments to strap them on and they help ten fold with protecting your hands from abrasion injuries..?
It’s a no brainer.
Stay safe out there and keep those gloves on! We preach ATGATT over and over here because we believe in staying safe while you’re out there shredding the twisties.
All the gear, all the time.
Do you own a pair of gloves? Which gloves are you currently using?
Where do you usually go for buying some motorcycle gloves?
Let us know in the comments below!

What’s up! I’m Colton, the main guy behind Moto Gear Knowledge. Gear has always been my #1 priority when it comes to riding.
I share my experiences regarding gear and anything else moto related with you here. 👍